Super Smash Brothers Roster Leak: Is Halo in Smash at last?

Halo confirmed

(Photo courtesy of Twitter user bigbongripperxcortanachief)

Super Smash Brothers, the fourth major release in the series, is seeing a launch on 3DS this Friday in Japan.  Thanks to cultural differences, yesterday was Friday in Japan, and that is why some lucky users are playing the game – and spoiling its content online for others!  While reports are still coming in as the day continues, here is what we can share so far-

Previously leaked pictures of the Duck Hunt Dog were not faked, and he has retained all of his famous catch phrases from the game.

Quarter-circle heavy punch is now REQUIRED to anti-air edge-guard into a final smash.

There are several new stages, including a “retro” F-Zero racing stage, as well as a stage inspired by Hotel Mario.

Pictured is the latest leak, which is still unconfirmed, which would identify Halo as the latest newcomer to Nintendo’s Smash Brothers series.  Several twitter users have confirmed that they have also found the character in the game.  One Japanese player had this to say: “(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧”, which when translated from Katakana text, is said to be slang for “I have personally confirmed this fact.”

More as it becomes available.